

1. in romantic wheater asian loved to eat food more then romance with their partner. 2.when they enjoy outing there is one thing for sure  in their mind that they have to take picture  to show other peoples .  3 they always praise their own things more then others peoples belonging. 4.there is one thing for sure in their mind what will other people thinks.. off 

you can do it make sure you win.....

 success is not far if we go beyond our goal with full dedication. Friends' history itself has testified that if a person set his mind to do something then nothing is Imposible. For example i would like to share the story of a person who is known by the people of India as mountain man .his name was dasrath Manjhi who belongs to a poor area where all his need were met by crossing the mountain on the other day he was working near that mountain  suddenly his wife  slipped from mountain and died due to lack of was shock to him that his wife died because he was unable to cross the mountain on time. He made up his mind that he would cut the mountain and make the way so no one will lose their life due to the difficulty of the road was not easy for a single person to cut such a big mountain without any mechanical facility. but in his mind, he had positive thought that he he would cut the mountain .in the beginning peoples though he went crazy because of his w

Words Of inspiration

 When you change the way, you look at things, the thing you look at change. Take success and failure as a lesson. late success makes a person more capable of standing against all the difficulties ahead so if you have failed before ,learn from it too . take insipration from everythng that happend during that time..dont take other peoples joke to your heart but be more motivated to work harder...sucess will be yours.when you are successfull these peoples will come to you to see your properties and then compare you with other sucessfull peoples, seeing their positve behaviour toward feel more positve and more worthy.all this is grace of god and value of your hard is no arrogance to glorify yourself .all the hard work you have done to make yourself worthy off all this is result of that..

Positive attitude

Positive thinking is the first step to success. Your thinking is before you speak your character is reflected. After listening to that thought, the future people will associate your existence with the same view, and many people will also create a picture of your future life in their mind due to this phenomenon. In the beginning, show positive thinking in yourself to make others think in your favor. If there is any doubt in your mind, first remove your doubts then promote your thoughts to others. If not, give your thoughts some time. First of all, you have to believe in yourself that you are capable of it. If you don't believe on yourself then you can't blame it on others because they don't believe you or they are stopping, you from starting your dream............................

rejection is blessing

 If the people around you reject your thinking in the beginning. Don't let it get disheartened. You have to take the success. Many people will make fun of you, and many will give you courage..They will advise you according to their ability. So, think rejection is a blessing. Who have come to test us in the form of people around us. Colleges and universities sometimes also take entrance exams. When we are going to take the first step in college universities, why do they take exams from us without teaching? In fact, they understand that our courage and first thought in life as Essam, how far it has improved and how much it will improve going forward, this is the first and accordingly they give us further advice. So don't ever let despair enter your mind. Take everything as a test of your life and move forward. How much money you have in your bank will be known only to the bank officials and not to everyone. The rest if anyone You will tell yourself what people will think is nonse

I believe in myself so anything is possible

 sometimes to be successful person need motivation from other peoples but in this century, peoples will realize your potential only when they saw your success. Consider yourself motivation for you. You are your first well-wisher in life. You know your worth more than others. Others will know when you are already done with your struggle. Before that they come to you only to discourage you. they try to putt all those things in your mind which is they thinks about you. If you want full your dream. then don't think about other peoples.  Set vision before going for any mission. Motivate yourself for hard work never tell your step to other peoples before taking any move to make that thing happens. no matter what happened you have to be your mind player in life no one elsc.Sometime success comes after so many failed attempts . it happened with all of us. We saw other people's success without knowing their struggle and consider oursellf unlucky and put negative things in mind. As a law

Your weakness their power

people secretly week but they never admit. Some don't want to get scared. they make it their power to use against rest of peoples...I don't say it's about all countries. Mostly it is happening in countries where so many religions living to gather in all those religions different kind of peoples are. First is who use other peoples for his own benefit they make society fears their strength and do business on the name of religion. And make religion their social weapon. The weapon that can pose a risk of social war by confronting it So that those who do not think of life against them due to fear of social danger. But people should not let take advantage of their fear to others. Everyone should speak out against them. People don't consider the real teachings of God to be their true religion. People show off religion. Over time, people advanced and advanced the way of believing in religion. Advancement is good but we are becoming subject to technology. Religion and technology